Tuesday, March 2, 2010

This past weekend my hubby and I took our son to Sports Authority to get some supplies for a cross country ski trip and while there I got some new fitness/running shoes. They are Nike and I got to use them last night and again this morning at the gym...they are wonderful...so light and comfy! I also bought a couple of tanks and a pair of hiking capri's. The decision I've been struggling with is whether or not to get hiking shoes for the FR trip...Hikes everyday may really call for good hiking shoes....IDK? As I try to get my packing list together for May I ponder all that I need...its like I have a giant checklist and shopping list in my head and I'm continually thinking about what I still need. I'm so worried I'll forget something. BUT, like my hubby said at least he's only 45 minutes away if I forget something really important...I also ordered 12 pairs of Wright no slip no blister socks yesterday, hope they work as well as everyone says? I'm just soooo excited for this trip... the time isn't passing quick enough! Well, off to do homework, this semester is 1/2 over and when it's done means it's almost time for Fitness Ridge!! YAY! :D

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are getting it done. You will be ready for your trip in May!!
