Friday, March 19, 2010

Hard work, little results...plateau??

This week for me has felt very productive and I have been very proud of myself this week. I worked out on Tuesday with my trainer and burned about 100 extra calories (it was only weight lifting for 30 min). Then Wednesday I did 20 minutes on the treadmill with intervals of incline and 40 minutes on the eliptical I burned 638 calories. Yesterday I did 30 minutes on the eliptical and 30 minutes on the bike and burned 675...Today was the doozy...and I think I might take the weekend legs are super sore! Today I did a one hour Zumba class, 11 minutes on the row machine and 30 minutes of weight lifting with my trainer....and burned a total of 876 calories...great workout day...AUGHHHH, I'm sooo tired though! I also did pretty good on my eating and calories this week...I stayed around (but mostly under) 1200 cals all week...even when I had a treat I made sure it was part of the calories I was alloting myself! So.. good week overall...AND BOY am I ready for a nap! The only downside to my good week was that my weigh-in showed I only lost 4 ozs. in the past 10 days...a lil discouraging but I'm not giving up...its like the storm before the rainbow...its necessary to hit plateaus to get big rewards...right? I hope I'm right! LOL :D Well, have a great week all, keep it healthy! Love you all and all your support! Thanks for all the wonderful comments and encouragement! 1.5 more weeks till next picture update and measurement stats! Something to look forward too... :)

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