Thursday, March 25, 2010

90 day check-in!

It's time again to post updated pictures. I, myself, can not believe the changes I've made in the past 90 days. I weighed in today at 174, which is not a huge amount of total weight loss but the inches I've lost is pretty remarkable, at least to me. I have lost weight in my past but I have never documented from beginning to end and I don't think I have ever truly appreciated the work put into weight loss and what I'd really be losing if I return to my old ways. I like to see my posture improve, my chest lifted, my tummy tucked in...These are positive changes! I am taking note because I want to cherish the work and keep it up! I think a great cure to being "emotionally over weight" is journaling the physical changes...It really is changing the way I see myself, think of myself and body and how I feel about the entire process! I am now happy to share the "icky" pictures of Jan 4th because each and every time I post new photos I will be showing myself that I can do it and really truly changing, not only my physical health, but my emotional LIFE! I am ready to live again!! Whoo Hoo!! :D

My new body stats!

Chest 40"
Waist 34"
Hips 39.5"
Thighs 23"
Biceps 12.5"

I compared these to my original stats and I've lost (more accurately, SWEATED OFF!) 12.5 total inches! My waist alone has gone from 38.5" to 34"... I couldn't be happier... well, I hope to actually be happier next time I check-in and measure!! ; )

Monday, March 22, 2010

Friday, March 19, 2010

Hard work, little results...plateau??

This week for me has felt very productive and I have been very proud of myself this week. I worked out on Tuesday with my trainer and burned about 100 extra calories (it was only weight lifting for 30 min). Then Wednesday I did 20 minutes on the treadmill with intervals of incline and 40 minutes on the eliptical I burned 638 calories. Yesterday I did 30 minutes on the eliptical and 30 minutes on the bike and burned 675...Today was the doozy...and I think I might take the weekend legs are super sore! Today I did a one hour Zumba class, 11 minutes on the row machine and 30 minutes of weight lifting with my trainer....and burned a total of 876 calories...great workout day...AUGHHHH, I'm sooo tired though! I also did pretty good on my eating and calories this week...I stayed around (but mostly under) 1200 cals all week...even when I had a treat I made sure it was part of the calories I was alloting myself! So.. good week overall...AND BOY am I ready for a nap! The only downside to my good week was that my weigh-in showed I only lost 4 ozs. in the past 10 days...a lil discouraging but I'm not giving up...its like the storm before the rainbow...its necessary to hit plateaus to get big rewards...right? I hope I'm right! LOL :D Well, have a great week all, keep it healthy! Love you all and all your support! Thanks for all the wonderful comments and encouragement! 1.5 more weeks till next picture update and measurement stats! Something to look forward too... :)

Thursday, March 18, 2010


I wanted to share some yummy protein smoothies with y'all! I promise these are sooo good! I drink these a few times a week..either right before or right after going to the gym..

Chocolate Raspberry Protein Smoothie:
8-16 oz. water (I do about 16oz.)
crushed ice (desired amt)
1 scoop of chocolate whey protein powder (I use GNC brand)
1 Crystal Light Raspberry Ice (On The Go) packet
140 calories

Orange/Banana Protein Smoothie:
8-16 oz. water
crushed ice
1 scoop of vanilla whey protein powder (I use GNC brand)
1 Crystal Light Orange Sunrise (On The Go) packet
1 small/med banana
235 calories

Blend up in blender...serve. Yummy, refreshing smoothie!
Love these! Try them, let me know what you think!! :D

Sunday, March 14, 2010

I can't even believe that it's only 2 months, 2 weeks, and 2 days till I go to Bl@FR...It seems so close yet still a while away! I spent the morning piling up all my gym clothes, Wright socks, sports bras and a few of the things I've bought on my bed to see what I have...I don't have any trips planned between now and when I go to Fitness Ridge so I think I may start packing...? I know it's really early but I am soo excited and plus that way I can keep adding to my suitcase as I get stuff to go...I also checked out Cat Chez's packing list today and copied it all down on an index card. This is one of the best lists I've come across thus far and it will help me with my packing! (GOOD JOB CAT!) This weekend has been nice because it is my son's 13th birthday and we took him and friends to do laser tag on Friday, surprisingly a blast (even for an old mommma, like me!) My food choices have once again been pretty bad, it's my typical weekend! No will power on the weekends I guess! I hope I do ok this week because it is my spring break from school and when I'm home a lot is when I seem to get in to trouble in the kitchen, UGH! I need to be hypnotized or something?? Does anyone no if that really works! I will try really hard this week by getting my tush up early with the kids each day and getting myself off to the gym! Since my husband will be out of town this week (filming the Dr. Phil show and doing a lecture at a law enforcement agency in Arkansas) and the kids will be at school all day and no homework or classes for myself...I think I'm going to try some looooong days at the gym and see how I do! I mean I better start preparing myself for the Ridge! Well, that's all for now I hope I have better news next week in the form of diet or a weigh-in! I really need to be remotivated! I guess that's why I'm going to FR! If I didn't have a problem with my motivation and my health I'd have no need for this intervention, of sorts! Well thanks to anyone who actually reads all my rambling ons...I no it can be quite boring! Have a good week all, hope the time change hasn't hindered y'all too much! :D

Monday, March 8, 2010

OH YAH! I'm seriously happy!! :D I just did my first workout with my new Polar FT7 HRM watch and wowsers! I did 20 minutes on the treadmill, 20 minutes on the eliptical and 20 minutes on the bike... The machines calculated my calorie burn at about 500 calories total for the entire one hour workout! Sounds good right? My actual calorie burn by my own heart rate was 707 calories for the hour long workout! WHOO HOO!! I'm definitely glad I invested the $$ for this awesome little device! I will never go to the gym without it! I can only imagine how great it will be at Fitness Ridge! YES, I'M STOKED! I think I may have to try it out at Yoga/Pilates tonight and see what I burn in that hour long class! Have a great day!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

A little bit closer to Fitness Ridge...

I am so excited because today my husband and I drove down to the Fitness Ridge Resort. I made a payment on my trip...YAY! That makes this trip seem a little bit more touchable!! It was neat getting to go the resort again, even if only for a few minutes... We did a little walk through the shop there and we bought my Polar FT7 HRM watch and chest strap...TJ even got one for himself (the MAN size of the FT7)...He is training for his first 1/2 marathon that he hopes to do in August in Long Beach, CA. At first I had planned to do it with him but I'm truly scared to run one...I'm not a big runner. I have bad hips and, it may just be him running and me with a cup of water on the side lines...BUT we'll see. I do hope to run one someday but someday may not be August?? So back to my's cute! Black with a gold stripe down the center and quite a bit cheaper than I had thought it was 109.95 with chest strap...I was thinking it was going to be like I was pleasantly surprised. Also, while there buying my watch and paying my bill I checked out the Merrill hiking shoes. I found a super cute pair, tiny and petite (hate those ugly big hiking boots) and they were tan with pink detailing...loved them but not the price...90 dollars! UGH!! NO WAY! I will keep my eye open for a better deal that is too much for shoes I may not wear that often.. I was also able to pick up Executive Chef Cameron Payne's 1st and 2nd edition resort cookbooks...they look awesome and I can't wait to plan some meals for family...So I had a very productive day with my husband and made myself a little bit more ready to go to the resort...SO HAPPY!! :D

Saturday, March 6, 2010

BONG BONG 4:30 AM...and all's not well!

So it's 4:30 in the morning and I am so mad that I am not in bed asleep but at least if I am up I guess there's no better time than to blog my feelings and thought. I have been up since 12:30 and at first I thought my husband was keeping me awake, you see he has RLS (restless leg syndrome) and was having a hard time sleeping himself thus keeping me awake (so I thought!)...Yet an hour later he was asleep and still and I still lay there...and an hour after that at 2:30 am, still just laying there...and again at 3:30....AUUUUUGGGGHHHHHH! Well, the truth is and it took me 3 hours to realize it...I'm angry! I went to bed angry, woke up angry and now can not sleep cause I'm angry!! Someone (a friend) completely hurt my feelings today and is using our kids to manipulate our relationship and I don't like it!! AND I AM SEETHING! So needless to say it's now 4:31am...and I'm still awake! OK now for the BIG realization!! I ate pretty good all week! Pretty proud of myself! Then last evening I told my hubby I needed Roberto's (lil taco shop near our house)...not wanted Roberto's but NEEDED! HAHA! Well, TJ, my husband, knows when I say need he just doesn't argue! So we jumped in the truck and ran through the drive thru...I got my old favs...a 5 taquito least until now! My stomach has a brick in it I haven't felt in a long time! And I didn't really miss that nasty brick (another reason why I may be awake? HMMMM?) But what came to me while seething over the distaste of my friend's actions was that I felt like I needed that comfort food when I was upset about something! All week happy and smooth week....yesterday, irritating news and betrayal and TA DA need for TAQUITOS! Well, I am happy that I figured it out maybe next time I'll need a good workout instead ~like with a punching bag? Ding Ding! ;) I'm gonna go climb back into my warm cozy bed now and see if I can't sleep for a couple boys have a wrestling tourny later this morning and it won't be good if I'm sleeping through it! Have a good weekend all!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

This past weekend my hubby and I took our son to Sports Authority to get some supplies for a cross country ski trip and while there I got some new fitness/running shoes. They are Nike and I got to use them last night and again this morning at the gym...they are light and comfy! I also bought a couple of tanks and a pair of hiking capri's. The decision I've been struggling with is whether or not to get hiking shoes for the FR trip...Hikes everyday may really call for good hiking shoes....IDK? As I try to get my packing list together for May I ponder all that I need...its like I have a giant checklist and shopping list in my head and I'm continually thinking about what I still need. I'm so worried I'll forget something. BUT, like my hubby said at least he's only 45 minutes away if I forget something really important...I also ordered 12 pairs of Wright no slip no blister socks yesterday, hope they work as well as everyone says? I'm just soooo excited for this trip... the time isn't passing quick enough! Well, off to do homework, this semester is 1/2 over and when it's done means it's almost time for Fitness Ridge!! YAY! :D

Monday, March 1, 2010

Happy Monday!! The start of a new week. I'm actually glad for this. My weekend wasn't awful but I wasn't totally perfect in my eating either. I really wanted to post this morning to put up these "before" and "now" pictures. I posted the one pic from Jan 4th earlier but now I'm willing to post all of them plus the new ones I took Friday, February 26th. I think it really shows my progress thus far. AND I'm excited for that! I also compared my newest inches to those on Jan 4th...and overall I've lost 7 3/4".... YAY!!

As of Friday, Feb. 26th my new measurements are:
Waist 35.5"
Chest 41"
Hips 40.5"
thigh 24
weight 176.8

Gettin there (or somewhere) slowly but surely! :)