Saturday, March 6, 2010

BONG BONG 4:30 AM...and all's not well!

So it's 4:30 in the morning and I am so mad that I am not in bed asleep but at least if I am up I guess there's no better time than to blog my feelings and thought. I have been up since 12:30 and at first I thought my husband was keeping me awake, you see he has RLS (restless leg syndrome) and was having a hard time sleeping himself thus keeping me awake (so I thought!)...Yet an hour later he was asleep and still and I still lay there...and an hour after that at 2:30 am, still just laying there...and again at 3:30....AUUUUUGGGGHHHHHH! Well, the truth is and it took me 3 hours to realize it...I'm angry! I went to bed angry, woke up angry and now can not sleep cause I'm angry!! Someone (a friend) completely hurt my feelings today and is using our kids to manipulate our relationship and I don't like it!! AND I AM SEETHING! So needless to say it's now 4:31am...and I'm still awake! OK now for the BIG realization!! I ate pretty good all week! Pretty proud of myself! Then last evening I told my hubby I needed Roberto's (lil taco shop near our house)...not wanted Roberto's but NEEDED! HAHA! Well, TJ, my husband, knows when I say need he just doesn't argue! So we jumped in the truck and ran through the drive thru...I got my old favs...a 5 taquito least until now! My stomach has a brick in it I haven't felt in a long time! And I didn't really miss that nasty brick (another reason why I may be awake? HMMMM?) But what came to me while seething over the distaste of my friend's actions was that I felt like I needed that comfort food when I was upset about something! All week happy and smooth week....yesterday, irritating news and betrayal and TA DA need for TAQUITOS! Well, I am happy that I figured it out maybe next time I'll need a good workout instead ~like with a punching bag? Ding Ding! ;) I'm gonna go climb back into my warm cozy bed now and see if I can't sleep for a couple boys have a wrestling tourny later this morning and it won't be good if I'm sleeping through it! Have a good weekend all!


  1. Hope you got some sleep!! Have a great weekend!

  2. I did, finally...after I got it all off my chest! lol. :)

  3. Hang in there, Julie. Don't ever give up entirely. I'm glad you are back in there slugging away on losing weight. GMA
