Saturday, February 20, 2010

The beginning of a long, long journey...

Well here it is! I've been debating doing this for months... I've read many blogs pertaining to starting anew with health, weight loss, nutrition, exercise etc... The idea of doing a blog started at the end of 2009 when I finally decided this, 2010, was my year! I am finally gonna do all the things for myself and my health that I have been resigning to do since my last child was born 7.5 years ago... Time to stop procrastinating and start actually doing something! First; I signed up to do two weeks at the Biggest Loser @ Fitness Ridge starting May 30. Second; as of Jan 4th I started back to my gym, sessions with my trainer Ann, and conscious eating (well about 80/20). Third; is starting this blog to help keep myself on track by journaling my thoughts, goals, milestones, frustrations and even down falls, and I'm sure there will be plenty of down falls. That's all I'm gonna write for today since this is new to me but soon I'm gonna post my before pics that my husband took of me back on Jan 4th (UGH!) and I will update the pics every 60 days or so and I will (reluctantly post all my body stats ~DOUBLE UGH!!) But I'm going to do all these horrific things to myself because not only will it be a new start but I think it's important to let go of the security blanket of the weight... well that's it for now... :)


  1. Yay, Julie!!! Way to go, girl, keep it up. I am in your corner. GMA

  2. And I'm in yours too!! Good luck with your weight loss goals, Love ya!
